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Title |
Working Group |
Year/Venue |
Paper/poster |
1 |
‘A perfect ground is the very soul of the art’ (Kingston 1835): ground recipes for oil painting, 1600–1900
Maartje Witlox*, Leslie Carlyle
Paintings |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
2 |
‘Anti-scrape’ in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: the reconstruction of the colours of Cuypers
Anne van Grevenstein*
Sculpture and Polychromy |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
3 |
‘Pesce, polyurethane and what happens today’. Results from the AXA Art Conservation Project in cooperation with the Vitra Design Museum
Kathrin Kessler*, Thea B van Oosten
Modern Materials and Contemporary Art |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
4 |
A ‘green’ approach to antique textile cleaning
Maria João Melo*, Micaela Sousa, Ana Aguiar-Ricardo, Paula Cruz
Textiles |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
5 |
A ‘single-shot’ separation and identification technique for water extractable additives in acrylic emulsion paints
Gregory Dale Smith*
Scientific Research |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
6 |
A case study in laser cleaning: soot removal
Kate Seymour*, Sjoerd Postma
Scientific Research |
2005 The Hague |
Poster |
7 |
A collection of ceramics damaged by acetate salts: conservation and investigation into the causes
Lieve Halsberghe*, Lorraine T. Gibson, David Erhardt
Ceramics |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
8 |
A local microscopic model for silver mirroring: assessment of the degradation rate
Giovanna Di Pietro*, Rudolf Gschwind, Frank J Ligterink
Photographic Records |
2005 The Hague |
Poster |
9 |
A matter of scale? From sculpture to interior: the conservation of polychrome surfaces
René Hoppenbrouwers*, Kate Seymour, Anne van Grevenstein, Angelique Friedrichs, Arnold Truyen
Sculpture and Polychromy |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
10 |
A new corrosion mechanism for iron shipwrecks in seawater: a study of the Fujikawa Maru (1944) in Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia
Ian D MacLeod*
Metals |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
11 |
A paradigm shift for preventive conservation, and a software tool to facilitate the transition
Robert Waller*, Stefan Michalski
Preventive Conservation |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
12 |
A preliminary study of the use of bathophenanthroline iron test strips on textiles
Jan Vuori*, Season Tse
Textiles |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
13 |
A problem of methodology: Merrifield, Eastlake and the use of oil-based media by medieval English painters
Jilleen Nadolny*
Theory and History of Conservation |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
14 |
A study of the materials and techniques of two Dayak longhouse models
Timothy S Hayes*, Angie Liow, Alvin Tee
Ethnographic Collections |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
15 |
Accuracy, precision and investigation: mordant analysis on antique textiles by various methods
Laure Dussubieux*, Dan Naedel, Roland Cunningham, Harry Alden, Mary W Ballard
Textiles |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
16 |
Ageing studies of acrylic emulsion paints. Part II. Comparing formulations with poly(EA-co-MMA) and poly(n-BA-co-MMA) binders
Oscar Chiantore*, Dominique Scalarone, Tom Learner
Modern Materials and Contemporary Art |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
17 |
Allowable thresholds in dynamic changes of microclimate for wooden cultural objects: monitoring in situ and modelling
Roman Kozlowski*, Lukasz Bratasz, Slawomir Jakiela
Preventive Conservation |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
18 |
An anatomical collection dissected: practical implementation of a national de-accessioning project
Andries J. van Dam*, Babke Aarts, Oskar Brandenburg
Natural History Collections |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
19 |
Analyses de savons de plomb présents dans des produits cosmétiques et pharmaceutiques antiques
Marine Cotte*, Philippe Walter, Paul Dumas
Scientific Research |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
20 |
Analysis of elemental sulphur (S8) in waterlogged archaeological wood
Stephanie Erpenbeck*, Theodore Skinner
Wet Organic Archaeological Materials |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
21 |
Analysis of synthetic dyes in an embroidery of Emile Bernard (circa 1892)
M R van Bommel*, A M Wallert, I Vanden Berghe, J Wouters, J Barnett, R Boitelle
Textiles |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
22 |
Analysis of the potential of using forced ventilation for environmental control in museological spaces in tropical conditions
Eduardo Krüger*, Silmara Küster de Paula Carvalho
Preventive Conservation |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
23 |
Analytical characterization of the main component found in logwood-dyed textile samples after extraction with hydrochloric acid
Anita Quye*, Alison N Hulme, Hamish McNab, David A Peggie, Ina Vanden Berghe, Jan Wouters
Scientific Research |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
24 |
Ancient textiles – recent knowledge: a multidisciplinary research project on textile fragments from the prehistoric salt mine of Hallstatt
Regina Hofmann-de Keijzer*, Anna Hartl, Maarten R van Bommel, Ineke Joosten, Hans Reschreiter, Karina Grömer, Helga Mautendorfer, Michaela Morelli
Textiles |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |
25 |
Antioxidants for stabilization of iron gall ink corrosion
Jana Kolar*, Matija Strlic
Graphic Documents |
2005 The Hague |
Paper |