Contribution Details
Allowable thresholds in dynamic changes of microclimate for wooden cultural objects: monitoring in situ and modelling
Roman Kozlowski
Lukasz Bratasz, Slawomir Jakiela
Preventive Conservation
wood, preventive conservation, microclimate, monitoring, modelling, moisture transport, stress development, damage
2005 The Hague
ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005
James & James/Earthscan
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Roman Kozlowski; Lukasz Bratasz, Slawomir Jakiela. Allowable thresholds in dynamic changes of microclimate for wooden cultural objects: monitoring in situ and modelling. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-84407-253-3