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# Title Working Group Year/Venue Paper/poster
1 A Peculiar Association of Structural Construction and Polychromy from the Eighteenth Century. Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Sacristy of Church Madre De Deus, Museum of Azulejos, Lisbon
Aude Cochet *, Elsa Murta
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
2 A Sixteenth Century Tabernacle in Flanders with Non-Flemish Sgraffito Decorations
Stefanie Litjens *
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
3 A Study of Two Sets of Portuguese Miniature High-Reliefs
Agnès Le Gac*, Teresa Madeira, Camila Remonatto, Isabel Nogueira,Anísio Franco, Maria Luisa De Carvalho
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
4 Applied-Brocade in the Altarpiece of the Coronation of the Virgin of Errenteria, Basque Country
Maria Barrio Olano*, Ion Berasain Salvarredi
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
5 Campos Polychrome Technique of the Antequeran Sculptor Andrés de Carvajal.
José González López *, Beatriz Prado Campos
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
6 Changes in Original Decor
Ana Mascarenhas *, Carla Rego
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
7 Decorative Techniques. All Ways to Embellish and Worship God
Elsa Murta *
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
8 From Treaty To Gilding Practice: Documentation On Techniques, Materials And Decorative Processes In The Context Of Portuguese Gilded Woodcarving (Talha Dourada)
Lia Jorge *, Patricia Monteiro
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
9 Integrated Innovative Study of the Polychrome Decoration of a Czech Medieval Statue Entitled the Mourning of Christ
Stepanka Kuckova*, Irina Sandu, Michaela Crhova, Radovan Hynek, Igor Fogas, Vania Muralha, Andrei Sandu
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
10 Materials And Techniques. Contribution for the Characterisation of Regional Production of Baroque Polychrome Sculptures. A Case Study
Maria Oliveira*, Elsa Murta, António Candeias, Ana Cardoso, Luís Dias, Teresa Ferreira, José Mirão & Cristina Dias Estofado
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
11 Polychrome Coatings on a Lime Plaster Altarpiece (1571): The Gaspar Fragoso Chapel in Portalegre
Patricia Monteiro *
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
12 Polychromy in Modern Italian Sculpture. New Perspectives and Case Studies of Works by Marino Marini and Leoncillo Leonardi
Francesco Guzzetti *
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
13 Proposal for an Analytical Methodology to Study Gilded Woodcarving Techniques and Materials
Rita Veiga*, Irina Sandu, Tito. Busani, Manuel Costa Pereira, Solange Muralha, Nuno Leal, Stepanka Kuckova, António Mauricio
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
14 Structural Modification of an Altarpiece towards its Preservation
Frederico Matos*, Ana Calvo, Carolina Barata
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
15 Study and Conservation of a Polychrome Terracotta Sculpture from the Casa-Museu José Régio Collection. A First Step Towards the Characterisation of the Barros De Portalegre Sculptures
Francesca Paba*, Claudia Falcão, Paola Meloni, Gianfranco Carcangiu Ricardo Triães, João Coroado
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
16 Study of the Decoration of the Polychrome Wooden Sculpture of Our Lady from the Church of Figueiró Dos Vinhos, Leiria, Portugal
Ana Rosa Carita*, Margarida Manarte, Carla Rego
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
17 The Catalan Romanesque Altar Frontal with Sculptural Relief from Sant Pere de Ripoll, Spain
Marina Mascarella-Vilageliu *, Anna Nualart-Torroja
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
18 The Creative Process Revealed. The Role of Incisions, High-Relief Decoration and Polychromy in the Gothic Altar Frontal Belonging to Sant Llorenç De Morunys
Rosa Senserrich*, Anna Nualart, Jordi Ibáñez-Insa
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
19 The Crucified Bom Jesus De Matosinhos. Technical Study and Conservation of a Medieval Sculpture
Alexandre Maniés*, Carolina Barata, Ana Calvo
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
20 The Crucified Christ from the National Museum of Soares Dos Reis. Study and Interpretation
Alexandre Fernandes*, Salomé De Carvalho, Elsa Murta, António Candeias, Maria Oliveira, Luis Piorro, Lilia Esteves
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
21 The Discovery of the Painted Decoration of the Jacobean Chimneypieces of Apethorpe Hall, Northamptonshire, UK (c.1624)
Helen Hughes *
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
22 The Influence of Decorative Motifs Used in Alentejo Architecture on the Decoration of the Sculpture Anjo Custódio De Portugal
Ana Fonseca*, Carla Rego, Teresa Desterro
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract
23 The Materials and Making Process of the Relief Painting Technique of ‘Applied-Brocade’ in the Basque Country
Ainhoa Rodriguez*, Naryan Khandekar, Fernando Bazeta, María Teresa Escohotado
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
24 The Role of Stone Substrate in Oil Paint Film Stability. An Insight Into Some Issues Influencing Durability and Conservation
Elena Aguado-Guardiola *, Laura Fuster-López
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Paper
25 The Study of the Polychromy of the Pórtico de la Gloria, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Ana Laborde Marqueze*, Rocío Sánchez Ameijeiras, Andrés Sánchez Ledesma
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration 2013 Tomar Ext. Abstract