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Title |
Working Group |
Year/Venue |
Paper/poster |
1 |
A Conservation Laboratory for the Treatment of Underwater Material
C. Pearson*, E.J. Car
Underwater Archaeology |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
2 |
A new kind of old green copper pigments found
E.H. Van 't Hul-Ehrnreich*, P.B. Hallebeek
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
3 |
A Nineteenth Century Collection of Pigments and Painting Materials
E.L. Richter*
Pigments in Painting |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
4 |
A Proposal for the Establishment of Fine Arts Radiographie Centers
Mary Lou White*
Reference Materials |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
5 |
A proposed Punch Card System for Classification of Early Varnish Recipes
J. Plesters*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
6 |
Action de trois traitements de desinfection sur des peaux de veau, mouton et chèvre tannees vegetalement
Francoise Flieder*, Clair Chahine
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
7 |
Activite chimique des sels solubles sur les materiaux poreux de construction
José Maria Cabrera Garrido*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
8 |
Algunos problemas sobre la Restauracion y Conservacion de Libros y Documentos
Vicente Vinas Torner*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
9 |
Alteration Microbiologiques des Pierres
Claude Jaton*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
10 |
An Aid for the Analysis of Binding Materials and Natural Dyestuffs from Works of Art
Wilma G.Th. Roelofs*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
11 |
Analysis of Creep Curves on Lining Canvas
W. Conti*, E. Tassenari
Stretchers and Lining |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
12 |
Analysis of Organic Substances in Ancient Mural Paintings
F. Guidobaldi*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
13 |
Analytical Problems in a Museum Laboratory (non-ferrous metal artifacts)
Hanna Jedrezejewska*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
14 |
Application des Materiaux Polymeres pour la Fixation de la couche Picturale des Fresques et de la Peinture Murale en Detrempe a la Colle.
A.V. Ivanova*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
15 |
Application des Nouvelles Methodes de la Microscopie Electronique clans les Recherches Topographiques de la Pierre
M. Kranz*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
16 |
Application des Phenomenes Optiques a la Restauration des Peintures.
Sylvaine Brans*
21st Century Paintings |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
17 |
Artificial Ageing of yarns in Presence as well as in Absence of light and under different Atmospheric Conditions. IV.
Jentina E. Leene*, L. Demeny, R.J. Elema, IR. A.J. De Graaf, J.j. Surtel
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
18 |
Australian Aboriginal Bark Paintings
William Boustead*
Ethnographical Collections |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
19 |
Beitrag zu der Asthetii der Retusche
von Jiri Josefik*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
20 |
A.A. Zaitsev*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
21 |
Comparative Study of Conventional Relining Methods and Materials and Research towards their improvement.
V.R. Mehra*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
22 |
Concerning Conservation of Ethnographic Heritage
Dorian Sergeyev*
Ethnographical Collections |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
23 |
Conservation Methods for Medieval Miniatures on Parchment
G.Z. Bykova*, A.V. Ivanova, I.P. Mokretzova
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
24 |
Conservation of a one-log boat
Mihailov A.*
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |
25 |
Conservation of Miniatures
Radosavljevic, Vera*, Narodna biblioteka
Not assigned |
1972 Madrid |
Paper |