ICOM-CC Publications Online

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# Title Working Group Year/Venue Paper/poster
1 A draft of the documentation system concerning the restoration of a painting or sculpture
Jirí Josefík*, Sonka
Documentation 1975 Venice Paper
2 A hand held microscope for the examination of pictures
Westby Percival-Prescott*
Non-Desctructive Methods of Examination of Works of Art 1975 Venice Paper
3 A literature search for a pigment study
Carol A. Grissom*
Paint Layer 1975 Venice Paper
4 A note on the examination with infrared reflectography of some paintings of the group Van der Weyden/Flémalle
R. van Schoute*, J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer
Non-Desctructive Methods of Examination of Works of Art 1975 Venice Paper
5 A project to prepare monographs on ten artists' pigments
R.L. Feller*
Paint Layer 1975 Venice Paper
6 A scientific examination of some 19th-century Dutch Gothic revival polychromed sculptures
J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer*
Polychromed Sculpture 1975 Venice Paper
7 A simple method for the conservation of zinc and copper printing blocks
Jirí Cejka*
Metals 1975 Venice Paper
8 A study of organic components of paints and grounds in Central Asian and Crimean wall paintings
V.J. Birstein*
Mural Paintings 1975 Venice Paper
9 A suggested model for SO2 - wet marble-airborne particles atmospheric system
O. Vittori*, S. Fuzzi
Stone 1975 Venice Paper
10 A survey of methods of storage of ethnographical collections
Dale Idiens*
Ethnographic Materials 1975 Venice Paper
11 Acid-vapour derusting of sandstone building blocks
David R. Tilbrooke*
Stone 1975 Venice Paper
12 Alkaline sulfite reduction treatment of marine iron
N.A. North*, C. Pearson
Studies and Researches on Underwater Archaeology 1975 Venice Paper
13 Altar-pieces in Austrian Baroque: working organization, stretchers and climate protections - history and actual consequences for conservation work
Manfred Koller*
Polychromed Sculpture 1975 Venice Paper
14 An approach of tomography
L.I. Bashrnakova*
Non-Desctructive Methods of Examination of Works of Art 1975 Venice Paper
15 Analyse des tannins hydrolysables susceptibles d'entrer dans la composition des encres ferro-galliques
F. Flieder*, R. Barroso, C. Oruezabal
Graphic Documents and Illuminated Manuscripts 1975 Venice Paper
16 Analysis of 35SO2/CaCO3 reaction on the marble surfaces of Venice buildings by radiochemical and optical methods
A. Breccia*, S. Fuzzi, O. Vittori
Non-Desctructive Methods of Examination of Works of Art 1975 Venice Paper
17 Archives and history of the discovery of ancient Russian painting
G.I. Vzdornov*
Theory and History of Restoration 1975 Venice Paper
18 Artificial ageing of yarns in presence as well as in absence of light and under different atmospheric conditions
Jentina E. Leene*, L. Demény, R.J. Elema, A.J. de Graaf, J.J. Surtel
Textiles 1975 Venice Paper
19 Aspects of wall-painting in polychrome architecture: relations between Italy and Austria from the 15th to the 19th centuries
Manfred Koller*
Mural Paintings 1975 Venice Paper
20 Baroque altar-furniture and sculpture in Austria: technique, polychromy and conservation
Manfred Koller*
Polychromed Sculpture 1975 Venice Paper
21 Chemical and physical properties of poly(vinyl acetate) copolymer emulsions
N.S. Baer*, N. Indictor, T.I. Schwartzman, I.L. Rosenberg
Varnishes 1975 Venice Paper
22 Classification of features of easel painting items for use in an information system with superposition cards
Yu.I. Grenberg*
Documentation 1975 Venice Paper
23 Climatologie au musée du Prado
Jose Maria Cabrera*, Ana Maria Cifuentes
Lighting 1975 Venice Paper
24 Conservation of the archaeological wood with transparent silicon organic polymers
N.N. Yashvili*
Waterlogged Wood 1975 Venice Paper
25 Conservation of wood which has stayed in water in the P.R. of Bulgaria
A. Mihailov*
Waterlogged Wood 1975 Venice Paper
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