Contribution Details
Corrosion characterisation of copper alloys and weathering steel used in outdoor sculpture and monuments in an urban-marine environment
Paola Letardi
Emilio Cano; Monica Albini; Pierluigi Traverso; Blanca Ramírez-Barat; Edith Joseph
2016 New Delhi
Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India
ISBN 978-92-9012-418-4
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Paola Letardi; Emilio Cano; Monica Albini; Pierluigi Traverso; Blanca Ramírez-Barat; Edith Joseph. Corrosion characterisation of copper alloys and weathering steel used in outdoor sculpture and monuments in an urban-marine environment. In Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: ISBN 978-92-9012-418-4
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