Contribution Details
Near non-destructive DNA barcoding methodology of archaeological wood species identification with RADP- 144 PCR technology from two excavation sites in Greece
T. Dimitrios
K. Konstantinos, A. Doulis
Wet Organic Archaeological Materials
Dispilio, Thessaloniki, waterlogged wood, nondestructive analysis, DNA barcoding, wood identification, PCR
2013 Istanbul
Wet Organic Archaeological Materials 2013. Proceedings of the 12th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Istanbul 2013
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T. Dimitrios ; K. Konstantinos, A. Doulis . Near non-destructive DNA barcoding methodology of archaeological wood species identification with RADP- 144 PCR technology from two excavation sites in Greece . In Wet Organic Archaeological Materials 2013. Proceedings of the 12th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Istanbul 2013, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-2-491997-43-4