Contribution Details
On the Rolling and Plasticization of Birch Bark
Johanna Klügl
Albert Hafner, Giovanna Di Pietro
Wet Organic Archaeological Materials
Birch bark; cork; Betula pendula; rolling; deformation; plasticization; flexibility; phellem cell length; rhytidome.
2019 Portsmouth
Wet Organic Archaeological Materials 2019. Proceedings of the 14th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Working Group Interim Meeting, Portsmouth 2019
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Johanna Klügl; Albert Hafner, Giovanna Di Pietro. On the Rolling and Plasticization of Birch Bark . In Wet Organic Archaeological Materials 2019. Proceedings of the 14th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Working Group Interim Meeting, Portsmouth 2019, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-2-491997-32-8
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