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Art and techniques of the stuccatori: understanding through replication
Giacinta Jean
Alberto Felici, Giovanni Nicoli, Marta Caroselli, Stefania Luppichini
Art Technological Source Research
2019 Cologne
Reflecting on Reconstructions. The Role of Sources and Performative Methods in Art Technological Studies. Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Art Technological Source Research, held at the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, 26–27 September 2019
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Giacinta Jean; Alberto Felici, Giovanni Nicoli, Marta Caroselli, Stefania Luppichini. Art and techniques of the stuccatori: understanding through replication . In Reflecting on Reconstructions. The Role of Sources and Performative Methods in Art Technological Studies. Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Art Technological Source Research, held at the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, 26–27 September 2019, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-2-491997-42-7