ICOM-CC Publications Online

Contribution Details

  • Teaching machines to think like conservators – Machine learning as a tool for predicting the stability of paper-based archive and library collections
  • Ulla Bøgvad Kejser
  • Birgit Vinther Hansen,Christian Boesgaard,Morten Ryhl-Svendsen,Søren Højlund Mollerup
  • Graphic Documents
  • Poster
  • -
  • English
  • 2021 Beijing
  • Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021
  • 978-2-491997-14-4

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Ulla Bøgvad Kejser; Birgit Vinther Hansen,Christian Boesgaard,Morten Ryhl-Svendsen,Søren Højlund Mollerup,. Teaching machines to think like conservators – Machine learning as a tool for predicting the stability of paper-based archive and library collections. In Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-2-491997-14-4