Contribution Details
Artificial ageing of yarns in presence as well as in absence of light and under different atmospheric conditions
Jentina E. Leene
L. Demény, R.J. Elema, A.J. de Graaf, J.J. Surtel
1975 Venice
ICOM Committee for Conservation 4th Triennial Meeting Venice Italy 13-18 October 1975
International Council of Museums (ICOM)
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Jentina E. Leene; L. Demény, R.J. Elema, A.J. de Graaf, J.J. Surtel. Artificial ageing of yarns in presence as well as in absence of light and under different atmospheric conditions. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 4th Triennial Meeting Venice Italy 13-18 October 1975, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN:
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