Contribution Details
Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acids as Ethyl Chloroformate Derivatives. III. Identification of Proteinaceous Binding Media by Interpretation of Amino Acid Composition Data
Michael R. Schilling
Herant P. Khanjian
Scientific examination of works of art
Gas chromatography, protein, amino acid, tempera paint, gesso, correlation coefficient
1996 Edinburgh
ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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Michael R. Schilling; Herant P. Khanjian. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Amino Acids as Ethyl Chloroformate Derivatives. III. Identification of Proteinaceous Binding Media by Interpretation of Amino Acid Composition Data. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-873936-50-8
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