Contribution Details
A System for Data Collection for Skin and Leather Artifacts: I. Wall Hangings and Paintings
Mara Nimmo
Mariabianca Paris, Lidia Rissotto
Conservation of Leathercraft and Related Objects
Painted and gilded leather, leather wall hangings, tooled decoration, leather punches, technical lexicon, database record, image archive
1993 Washington DC
ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC USA 20-27 August 1993
ICOM Committee for Conservation
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Mara Nimmo; Mariabianca Paris, Lidia Rissotto. A System for Data Collection for Skin and Leather Artifacts: I. Wall Hangings and Paintings. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC USA 20-27 August 1993, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 0-935868-65-8