Contribution Details
A collaborative examination of the colourfastness of Amazonian featherwork: assessing the effects of exposure to light and laser radiation
M. R. Solajic
Boris Pretzel, M. Cooper, J.H. Townsend, T. Seddon, J. Ruppel, J. Ostapkowicz, T. Parker
Ethnographic Collections
ethnographic conservation, Amazonian
featherwork, museum display, lightfastness, laser cleaning, colour measurement
2002 Rio de Janeiro
ICOM Committee for Conservation 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro 20-27 September 2002
James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
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M. R. Solajic; Boris Pretzel, M. Cooper, J.H. Townsend, T. Seddon, J. Ruppel, J. Ostapkowicz, T. Parker. A collaborative examination of the colourfastness of Amazonian featherwork: assessing the effects of exposure to light and laser radiation. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro 20-27 September 2002, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-902916-30-1