Contribution Details
Les papiers peints japonais en Europe occidentale autour de 1900
Wivine Wailliez
Marina Van Bos, Cécile Glaude
Sculpture and Polychromy
papier peint, cuir doré, kinkarakawa, japonisme, Japon
2005 The Hague
ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005
James & James/Earthscan
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Wivine Wailliez; Marina Van Bos, Cécile Glaude. Les papiers peints japonais en Europe occidentale autour de 1900. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-84407-253-3
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