Contribution Details
Damage assessment of parchment by micro-thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy
J de Groot
M Odlyha ,L Bozec, M A Horton, A Masic, S Coluccia
Scientific Research
parchment, scanning electron microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy, micro-thermal analysis, atomic force microscopy
2005 The Hague
ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005
James & James/Earthscan
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J de Groot; M Odlyha ,L Bozec, M A Horton, A Masic, S Coluccia. Damage assessment of parchment by micro-thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 14th Triennial Meeting The Hague 12-16 September 2005, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 1-84407-253-3
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