Contribution Details
Bringing back the grandeur: conversion of Kom Tong Hall to Dr Sun Yat-Sen Museum
Evita S Yeung
Eddy S T Leung, Wing-fai Lai, Shing-wai Chan
Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration
historic building, stained glass, glazing putty, gold-gilding, lead cames, lime, tung oil, scanning electron microscope, traditional
2008 New Delhi
ICOM Committee for Conservation 15th Triennial Meeting New Delhi India 22-26 September 2008
Allied Publishers
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Evita S Yeung; Eddy S T Leung, Wing-fai Lai, Shing-wai Chan. Bringing back the grandeur: conversion of Kom Tong Hall to Dr Sun Yat-Sen Museum. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 15th Triennial Meeting New Delhi India 22-26 September 2008, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-81-8424-344-4
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