Contribution Details
The MOSAIKON Initiative: Building Capacity at a Regional Level in the Conservation of Archaeological Mosaics
Leslie Friedman
Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Kathleen Dardes, Thomas Roby
Murals, Stone, and Rock Art
mosaics, training, capacity building, archaeological sites
2014 Melbourne
ICOM Committee for Conservation 17th Triennial Meeting Melbourne Australia 19-23 September 2014
Pulido & Nunes; ICOM Committee for Conservation
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Leslie Friedman; Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Kathleen Dardes, Thomas Roby, . The MOSAIKON Initiative: Building Capacity at a Regional Level in the Conservation of Archaeological Mosaics . In ICOM Committee for Conservation 17th Triennial Meeting Melbourne Australia 19-23 September 2014, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-92-9012-410-8
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