Contribution Details
Analysis of binding media in Tudor paintings
Klaas Jan van den Berg
Aviva Burnstock, Henk van Keulen, Inez van der Werf, Katrien Keune, Suzan de Groot
paint media, Tudor, 16th century, ATR-FTIR imaging, GC/MS, conservation materials, MALDI-ToF-MS spectrometry
2014 Melbourne
ICOM Committee for Conservation 17th Triennial Meeting Melbourne Australia 19-23 September 2014
Pulido & Nunes; ICOM Committee for Conservation
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Klaas Jan van den Berg; Aviva Burnstock, Henk van Keulen, Inez van der Werf, Katrien Keune, Suzan de Groot, . Analysis of binding media in Tudor paintings. In ICOM Committee for Conservation 17th Triennial Meeting Melbourne Australia 19-23 September 2014, pg. Paris: International Council of Museums (ICOM-CC): ISBN: 978-92-9012-410-8
ICOM-CC would like to acknowledge and thank The Getty for its constant and consistent support for the Publication Online Platform.
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